Ringzer0 Looking For Password File

Ring Zer0 CTF - Looking for Password file

This challenge is part of the web section of the RingZer0 CTF and can be found here.

On a first look, the home section of the webpage of this challenge looks pretty bland:


However its URL is very interesting: http://challenges.ringzer0team.com:10075/?page=lorem.php

We can see a page parameter and it seems that it will display the given page. The vulnerability here is LFI (local file inclusion). We will try to display a file on the machine that we should not have access to normally (I’m guessing it’s a password file if we trust the challenge’s name).

I decided to test this out and passed through flag.php (the url now being: http://challenges.ringzer0team.com:10075/?page=flag.php) and I got back the following error:


We can see that flag.php does not exist, however this error also helps us verify that the website is located in /var/www/html/. Since the name of the challenge is “Looking for password file”, we can guess that the file we are looking for is /etc/passwd. So we are going to the following url: http://challenges.ringzer0team.com:10075/?page=../../../etc/passwd.

And just like that we get the password file and with it the flag!


If you have any questions or remarks don’t hesitate to reach out on discord to therokdaba#9872.

Go back to the homepage of this website.